Car* tutt*, scusate se vi “rompo” ancora, ma mi è stato suggerito (per chiedere che venga ripristinata la pagina de La Nuova Alabarda) di inviare a questi indirizzi mail:
il seguente testo (in inglese)
Dear Facebook support team,
I’m contacting you because few days ago you deleted “La nuova Alabarda”, an Italian journalistic page focused on antifascist themes. During the years La nuova Alabarda made a precious work inquiring fascist and nazi activities in our country and debunking old and new fascist narrations. Precisely because of this work the page and its autor, Claudia Cernigoi, found themselves under the attentions of fascist peoples and groups who made a constant reporting to the facebook team.
I would like to know why Facebook decided to delete this page and all his precious content and if is it possible to restore it.
Ringrazio chi vorrà contribuire… un caro saluto a tutte e tutti!
Claudia Cernigoi