Un invito alla pubblicazione che si condivide. iskrae
Innumerevoli leader nativi americani chiedono al Presidente statunitense Joe Biden di liberare Leonard Peltier, l’illustre attivista nativo americano difensore dei diritti umani di tutti gli esseri umani e dell’intero mondo vivente, da 48 anni prigioniero innocente, ormai vecchio e gravemente malato.
Riportiamo di seguito il loro appello.
[Dal sito https://ndncollective.org/ riprendiamo e diffondiamo la seguente lettera del 13 gennaio 2025]
Dear President Biden:
We are current and former elected Tribal leaders and leaders of national Tribal organizations who join our voices with the many others around the globe who have called out for the end of Leonard Peltier’s long incarceration. We urge you to grant clemency to Leonard Peltier.
The current facts of Mr. Peltier’s imprisonment call out for mercy: he is an 80-year-old enrolled citizen of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians (ND) and a boarding school survivor who is in his 49th year of incarceration at the maximum-security United States Penitentiary, Coleman outside of Orlando, FL. Key individuals involved in his prosecution have spoken out in support of the release of Mr. Peltier and have given new weight to our ask of you.
For the majority of his life, Leonard Peltier has been serving a sentence based on a conviction that would not hold up in court today and for a crime that the government has admitted it could not prove. Mr. Peltier’s continued incarceration is a symbol to Native Americans of the systemic inequities of the criminal justice system in America.
Mr. President, we honor your demonstrated commitment to Indian Country. You have stood with us many times – both in the White House and in the U.S. Senate. Our standing in the world as a champion of freedom, justice, and human rights cannot be maintained in a system that allows Leonard Peltier to die in prison.
We ask that you urgently consider this opportunity to grant clemency to Leonard Peltier. Stand with us again.
Signatories to Tribal Leader Letter to President Joe Biden
Requesting Clemency for Leonard Peltier
Frank Star Comes Out President Oglala Sioux Tribe (SD)
Nick Tilsen Founder & CEO NDN Collective
Mark Macarro President National Congress of American Indians, Tribal Chair Pechanga Band of Indians (CA)
Deborah Parker Executive Director Native American Boarding School Coalition
Suzan Shown Harjo Founder Morningstar Institute, Fmr. Exec. Dir. National Congress of American Indians
Tracy Ching King Vice Chairman Coalition of Large Tribes (COLT)
Virgil Wind President Midwest Alliance of Sovereign Tribes
Kirk Francis President United South & Eastern Tribes (USET), Tribal Chief Penobscot Nation (ME)
Robert McGhee Vice President United South & Eastern Tribes (USET), Vice Chairman Poarch Band of Creek Indians
Janet Alkire Tribal Chairwoman Standing Rock Sioux Tribe (SD)
Cyril Archambault Tribal Council Standing Rock Sioux Tribe (SD)
Dave Archambault, Jr. Fmr. Tribal Chairman Standing Rock Sioux Tribe (SD)
Jodi Archambault CEO Anpo
Buster Atteberry Tribal Chairman Karuk Tribe (CA)
Raymond Basquez Tribal Councilman Pechanga Band of Indians (CA)
Nita Battiste Vice Chairwoman Alabama Coushatta Tribal Council (TX)
Fred Beihn Tribal Chairman North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians (CA)
Darin Beltran Tribal Chairman Koi Nation of Northern California (CA)
Dino Beltran Vice Chairman Koi Nation of Northern California (CA)
Levi Black Eagle Secretary Crow Tribe (MT)
Robert Boskofsky President Native Village of Ouzinkie (AK)
Rodney Butler Tribal Chairman Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation (CT)
Andrea Carman Exec. Director International Indian Treaty Council
Lora Ann Chaisson Principal Chief United Houma Nation (LA)
JoAnn Chase Fmr. Exec. Dir. National Congress of American Indians
Catherine Chavers Chairwoman Bois Forte Band of Chippewa (MN)
Francis Charles Tribal Chairman Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (WA)
Brian Cladoosby Former President National Congress of American Indians, Fmr. Tribal Chair Swinomish Indian Tribal Community
Damien Cordova BOD Dry Creek Rancheria (CA)
Lilith Court Secretary Skull Valley Band of Goshutes (UT)
Ponka We Cozad Fmr. KS State Rep. Kansas
Robert “R.D.” Curtis Jr. Tribal Chairman Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (MI)
Carl Dahlberg Tribal Chairman Fort Independence Indian Community (CA)
LaShunna Davidson Fmr. Tribal Treas. Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation (CA)
Christopher Eagle Bear Tribal Council Rosebud Sioux Tribe (SD)
Crystal Echo Hawk Founder & CEO IllumiNative
Tracy Edwards Frm. Tribal Chair Redding Rancheria (CA)
LeRoy Staples Fairbanks Fmr. Council Rep. Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe (MN)
Miranda Edwards Favorite Tribal Council Redding Rancheria (CA)
Lenny Fineday Tribal Council Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe (MN)
Elaine Fink Tribal Council North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians (CA)
Cheebo Frazier Trad. Heal. Board Nisqually (WA)
Willie Frank III Fmr. Chairman Nisqually Indian Tribe (WA)
Reno Franklin Fmr. Chairman Kashia Band of Pomo Indians (CA)
Laura Galvan Chair/CEO Nisenan Miwok Collective (CA)
Teri Gobin Tribal Chairman Tulalip Tribes (WA)
Lisa Goree Tribal Chairwoman Shinnecock Indian Nation (NY)
Lynn Gourneau Tribal Council Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa (ND)
Lance Gumbs Vice Chair Shinnecock Indian Nation (NY), NE Area Vice Pres. National Congress of American Indians
Anna Halverson Tribal Council Oglala Sioux Tribe (SD)
Gary Harrison Tribal Chairman Chickaloon Native Village (AK)
Rick Harrison Vice Chairman Chickaloon Village (AK)
Manuel Heart Tribal Chairman Ute Mountain Ute (UT)
Michelle Heredia-Cordova Tribal Chairwoman Table Mountain Rancheria (CA)
Jonetta Herrera DED Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (OR)
David Hill Principal Chief Muscogee Creek Nation (OK)
Shannon Holsey President Stockbridge Munsee (WI)
Faron Jackson Tribal Chairman Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe (MN)
Vince James 25th Council Del. Navajo Nation (AZ)
Lewis Johnson Chief Seminole Nation of Oklahoma
Michael Johnson CEO IllumiNative
Floyd Jourdain, Jr. (Fmr.) Chairman Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians (MN)
Ryan Jumping Eagle Tribal Councilman Oglala Sioux Tribe (SD)
Rhonda Keene Tribal Council Pokagon Band of Potawatomi (MI)
Cheryle Kennedy Tribal Chairwoman Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde (OR)
Kevin Killer (Fmr.) President Oglala Sioux Tribe (SD)
Brad Kills Crow Chief Delaware Tribe (OK/KS)
Dustin Klatush Tribal Chairman Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation (WA)
Robert Larsen President Lower Sioux Indian Community (MN)
Ryman Lebeau Tribal Chairman Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe (SD)
Peter Lengkeek Tribal Chairman Crow Creek Sioux Tribe (SD)
Gerald Lewis Chairman Yakama Nation (WA)
Silver Little Eagle Tribal Council Northern Cheyenne (MT)
Randi Lone Eagle Tribal Chairwoman Summit Lake Paiute Tribe (NV)
Austin Lowes Tribal Chairman Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians (MI)
Gary Lujan Fmr. Governor Taos Pueblo (NM)
Randall Majel Fmr. Tribal Chair Pauma Band of Luiseño Indians (CA)
Cheryl Andrews Maltais Tribal Chair Wampanoag of Gay Head (MA)
Charles Martin Tribal Chairman Morongo Band of Mission Indians (CA)
Brian Mason Tribal Chairman Shoshone Paiute Tribes (ID & NV)
Christina McDonald Tribal Secretary North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians (CA)
MaryAnn McGovran Tribal Treasurer North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians (CA)
Rebecca Miles Fmr. Tribal Chair Nez Perce Tribe (ID)
Latisha Miller Vice Chairwoman Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians (CA)
Christie Modlin Tribal Secretary Iowa Nation, Iowa Tribe of OK
Geneva Mojado Vice Chairwoman Soboba Band (CA)
Buu Nygren President Navajo Nation (AZ, CO, NM, UT)
Boyd Owle Tribal Council Eastern Band of Cherokee (NC)
Jackie Johnson Pata Fmr. Exec. Dir. National Congress of American Indians
Aaron Payment Fmr. Tribal Chair Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians (MI)
Erica Pinto Tribal Chairwoman Jamul Indian Village of California
Wilson Pipestem Counsel Otoe Missouria Tribe (OK)
Nathaniel Porter Governor Pueblo of Nambe
Debra Posey Board of Directors Tulalip Tribes (WA)
Jack Potter, Jr. Tribal Chairman Redding Rancheria (CA)
Robert Prescott Vice President Lower Sioux Indian Community (MN)
Tyler Prescott Asst. Sec./Treas. Lower Sioux Indian Community (MN)
Jordan Rahn Tribal Council Rosebud Sioux Tribe (SD)
J. Garrett Renville Tribal Chairman Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate (SD)
George Rivera (Fmr.) Governor Pueblo of Pojoaque (NM)
Darwin St. Clair, Jr. (Fmr.) Chairman Eastern Shoshone Tribe (WY)
Angela Elliott Santos Tribal Chairwoman Manzanita Band of Mission Indians (CA)
Kristi Schoen Treasurer Lower Sioux Indian Community (MN)
Candace Schmidt Chairwoman Ponca Tribe of Nebraska (NE)
Darrell G. Seki, Sr. Tribal Chairman Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians (MN)
Fawn Sharp Former President National Congress of American Indians, Fmr. Tribal Chair Quinault Indian Nation
Carl Slater Council Delegate Navajo Nation (AZ/NM/CO/UT)
Anthony Dean Stanton Chief Sachem Narragansett Indian Tribe (RI)
Sam Strong Tribal Secretary Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians (MN)
Timothy Swallow Traditional Chief Oglala Sioux Tribe (SD)
Lee Juan Tendoy Tribal Chairman Shoshone Bannock Tribes (ID)
Scott Vele Executive Director Midwest Alliance of Sovereign Tribes
Tom Wahnetah Tribal Council Eastern Band of Cherokee (NC)
Reggie Wassana Governor Cheyenne Arapaho (OK)
Brian Weedon Tribal Chairman Mashpee Wampanoag (MA)
Shannon Wheeler Tribal Chairman Nez Perce (ID)
Bobby Whitefeather Fmr. Tribal Chair Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians (MN)
Dr. Michael Williams, Sr. Fmr. Chief Akiak Native Community (AK)
Ray Williams Vice President Chappaquiddick Wampanoag Tribe (MA)
Newmie Wilson Tribal Council Pit River Tribe (CA)
Kathleen Wooden Knife Tribal President Rosebud Sioux Tribe (SD)
Gordell Wright Fmr. Council Shinnecock Nation (NY)
Larry Wright Exec. Dir. National Congress of American Indians, Fmr. Tribal Chair Ponca Tribe of NE
Shere Wright-Plank Tribal Council Rosebud Sioux Tribe (SD)
Cosi’ l’appello di innumerevoli leader nativi americani.
Alleghiamo in calce alcuni ulteriori materiali di informazione.
Free Leonard Peltier.
Mitakuye Oyasin.
Nota diffusa a cura del “Centro di ricerca per la pace, i diritti umani e la difesa della biosfera” di Viterbo
Viterbo, 16 gennaio 2025
Mittente: “Centro di ricerca per la pace, i diritti umani e la difesa della biosfera” di Viterbo, strada S. Barbara 9/E, 01100 Viterbo, e-mail: centropacevt at gmail.com